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Why not make another choice.

ClassicalRebel 5 July 10

Enjoy being online again!

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You are free to vote for anyone you want to, and you can even do a write in. This does not save our Democracy. Neither does not voting and just hoping it will all go away. What is at stake here now is do we keep our freedoms and our Social Security or does Trump step in as an authoritarian and take it all away. Imagine America with no Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security. If the insurance money for these programs stop what do people do? All of us know people who will be affected. If not ourselves maybe relatives. Are you going to take them in? Could you afford to do so?

Here's the deal on vote 2024. It is not a popularity contest. VOTE BLUE if you want to preserve our Democracy and way of life. This has nothing to do with how much you do or do not like Biden. I will be voting blue because "We The People" means all of us -- not just the MAGA crowd.

The MAGA crowd will be screwed by their ruler.


Here are our choices: Keep are democracy, as flawed as it is, or lose it to a fascist and his criminal friends. If you don't particularly care for the other guy, he will be gone in a short while, and you will then have the freedom to choose someone else from any other party you wish. Clear?


IMO, that would be evasion.

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