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We don't have a gun problem, we have a Chicago problem.

Tejas 8 July 14

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If it is a mental health problem, why do you want the mentally ill to buy guns? We restrict liquor and drugs not because they are bad, but because of what people do with them can be bad. We heavily restrict automobiles, they must be licensed, registered and inspected annually. We heavily restrict drivers of all motor vehicles they must be licensed, obey traffic laws and are subject to retesting and revocation for cause. Why should the number one cause of childhood death not have similar restrictions? What is wrong with requiring gun owners to be licensed, tested and insured?

You didn't watch the video but I'll indulge anyway. Firearms are restricted about as much as vehicles just in different ways. Vehicles are also not a right like guns are.

@SpikeTalon The arguments you make are good, but they are the same ones that were made against mandatory auto insurance. People railed against it being unfair to minority and poor people,

There are always going to be bad laws and they need to change, there are always going to be people that drink and drug illegally. Prohibition didn't work and Nixon's war on drugs, meant to jail minorities and hippies who Nixon despised damned sure isn't working.


The UK has a knife crime problem. It is not as big as the American gun violence problem but then again, it is nigh impossible to be killed as an innocent bystander in a drive-by knifing.

NB. And yes we do have our equivalents to Chicago.

Chicago is a dog whistle that Obama came from Chicago and Obama was black. Chicago is not in the top five of most violent US cities.

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