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FTR, a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, sexual predator and child molester getting shot in the ear doesn't change him into a hero. He's still a disgusting human being, he was just shot at. If he were in jail where he belonged he wouldn't have been shot at.

redbai 8 July 15

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Certainly a very valid observation. Just as if he'd banned guns when president & had a buy back there would have been less chance of him being shot at.


I don't like Trump yet nobody deserves to be shot. Biden said so, even though he has been a suspect. One reason I left America because of the murder and crimes of a broken system.

I didn't say he deserved to be shot, I said he's not a hero for surviving it. Being shot at does not render all that he's done to harm others and this country moot.


I totally agree!

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