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On January 11th something tried to kill me as a giant oak tree limb fell through my living room ceiling. In the pics provided here you can see my simple repair for the inside. Insurance paid off big time but I had a man I know repair the metal roof outside.

It took a while to get that done and my next step was to get that big tree cut. Tony from Simply Trees was my answer. He came out and gave me an $800 estimate. Oh, I'm a Veteran so it is now $720. Looking for a good tree man for a while, it is now July 11th when they do the job. Normally they work all around St. Louis but locals can be worked in as I was. I have talked to people who cannot find anyone.

While the crew is using a man-lift to get at that oak tree I asked Tony about a limb that had fallen and stuck in another tree. He got it down for me and said no extra charge. He claimed he needed something to do as his crew worked.

I had a smaller dead tree in front of my place for some time. They are ready to leave and Tony asked me about it. He wants to cut it and he shows me it is diseased. Then he speaks of tree diseases using real tree terms. I was lost on that one. He tells me it will not cost me extra and he must cut this tree. If not it will give disease to all my other trees in time. So, they cut it and left. The entire experience was excellent. I would recommend Simply Trees to anyone.

The pics may not show it here but that big oak tree was so big that you could not walk up and hug it because your arms would not reach all the way around it.

DenoPenno 9 July 15

Enjoy being online again!

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That’s a small tree!! 🤠

Here’s a big one!!😎



Are you suicidal DennoPenno? A sensible person would have their trees regularly checked & have dangerous branches removed before they fall off.
The only person you can blame for the attempt on your life is yourself.


Good service from the tree surgeons. (That’s what we call them here) Always a good feeling when people are helpful.

Did the tree just fall over, or was it due to the weather?

Short Answer
Generally, oak trees can withstand high winds due to their strong wood and deep root systems.

Oak trees are often used as a windbreak because of their strength and resistance to strong winds.

However, if the winds are severe enough, even oak trees can be damaged or uprooted.

Therefore, it is important to ensure that oak trees are well cared for and the soil around them is well-drained to increase the tree’s resistance to high winds.

Yes, FrayedBear, I am suicidal. That is why my tree situation does not meet your approval. I was waiting to be killed by a dead oak tree that the wind seemed to want to plant a part of inside my house. About 3 years ago there was high dollar tree work ($1600 plus) done here but such work is never done. Back where my big oak tree was cut the trees are still too tall. I seldom wake up with ideas of too much money so I can throw some at the trees today, but the first $1600 plus story on my trees was because several of them could destroy my place if they came down. Who knows? Maybe space junk will finish me.

He mentioned in an earlier post of a storm and seeing a tree limb fly.

Nice to know that the problem is now fixed.

@DenoPenno That Yuge loser Musk might drop the International SS on your head….🤷🏻♂️

@FrayedBear Thanks for the explanation re oak trees. As you’re aware, falling trees can be lethal, especially if the local Council isn’t monitoring them on public land. Someone here died last year when a tree on a street fell on them in a storm.

I’m reading a book on the ship Endeavour, the first chapter was about the oak used to build it.

I have a feeling that the International Space Station will end up being ditched in the Southern Pacific Ocean, so I’m probably at higher risk of being hit by that if it overshoots the trajectory…..

@DenoPenno The increasingly litigious world is resulting in ever higher insurance premiums for tree surgeons & householders alike. I remember 30 years ago knowing a chap whose son inadvertently dropped a tree in Melbourne that resulted in electricity to a lafge portion of the city being disrupted. The loss of traffic lights created chaos. Imagine the claims.
An 80 yo female acquaintance has been for years trying to get her local council to remove a huge tree growing outside her fence line . For ten years it has been pushing over her iron fence.
For 20+ years I lived with huge gum trees with 10' diameter trunks on 2 sides. Fortunately they had no disease nor weakness. The greatest fear however was fire which can travel 3 miles in the time that it takes to make a cup of tea. I used to live dangerously & challenge death but they have been nothing compared to the totally random accidents that I've survived like missing the top step of a flight of stairs when the proximity light didn't come on or feeling asleep whilst driving at 100kph.


Wow, you were indeed a lucky ducky there.

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