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Went to look at a possible investment property today. I didn’t make it too far in the door…..👀

Aaron70 8 July 16

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Wow, that is so tidy ! Do you think that for a fee they could come and sort my house out ?

How serious can the owner be about selling if they won’t clean that mess up…..👀
The best part is it’s listed as needing mostly “cosmetic” updates. How tf can anyone see what it needs with that clusterfuck…….👀

@Aaron70 Yes if you want to sell you should polish it up a lot. I have a good incentive to be clean and tidy, since I have a cleaner who comes in three hours once per month. And although it sounds illogical, I would not want her to find the house dirty and untidy, so a big clean up a couple of days before hand ensues.


My house keeper could take this on for a small fee. Anything pink means a house frau was there. Crack house, animal house, or my brothers room.


That's a foreclosure for you! I bought one of those for my son a few years ago. It took a lot of $$$ to make it livable. It's worth it if it's in a decent neighborhood.

This place is for sale by the owner!! 👀

@Aaron70 My son's house had a more macabre story: the owner died in it, and sat there for a year before anyone found him. 😮 By the time we got it, it was bank owned, as the guy had no heirs.

@Organist1 Hopefully it was a repub…..🤷🏻♂️

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