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“faith allows an evasion of those difficulties which the atheist confronts honestly [while] the believer derives a sense of great superiority from this very cowardice itself,”

Tomfoolery33 9 July 18

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Seems like this not only applies to religion but even those that succumb to conspiracy theories.


The power of getting others to believe lies and conspiracies without evidence, even to their own detriment.

Many believe that faith and truth go hand in hand, that they cannot be separated. However, truth is faiths greatest enemy. When you are believing a lie, truth is faiths greatest opposer. That being the case, the next greatest enemy of faith is education, the learning of the truth.


I have very little or no faith in politicians or mainstream religion. Do have faith in nature, myself ,the Sun, up, down and the collective consciousness of the people.

it takes work and love, like science and magic together.


I see faith as the denial of intellectual responsibility.

I define "faith" differently. Eg. I have faith in the trust I have given to a good friend and will never be betrayed.

Faith existed long before religion adopted it as their own.

@Betty ((Hugs)) You touch upon the ambiguity of the word "faith". 🙂

@anglophone Could there be any doubt? 😉

@Betty I see your wicked sense of humour is again coming to the fore. 🙂

@anglophone I have my moments. 😉


i think thats bull. an atheist is working on the faith of "not" just as much as the believer is going with the "is". there is no knowing one way or another. its all perspective and argument, nothing more.


This is true but mostly the believer is convinced to a point where they think they have found a black cat in a dark room. This is like evidence of their faith.

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