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ATT just let me know there was a data breach on my phone (and many others, of course) and my text messages were breached along with phone numbers.
Apparently, the breach did not include information from texts or calls.
Yeah, good luck on getting info from my texts! I don't bank, etc., using my phone and no one sends me "sensitive" information. My one word texts, i.e. "ok," reveal a lot of info.

However, I guess that I should stop playing with the scammers. Sigh.

Gwen_Wanderer 7 July 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I ended my landline service, keeping my cell, and got a similar notice. It seemed to warn of nothing so I trashcanned it..

Same here.


Oh, but it can be so much fun to play. 🙂

Betty Level 8 July 18, 2024

I know!

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