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No one is draining the swamp. The bolder now hang out with the real tough guys, the mafia gators

AntaresRose 8 May 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Heard someone say today - ‘the swamp’s being repopulated,’ mafia gators, hungh 😀

Varn Level 8 May 8, 2018

We are the tough guys !!

we have to be. thank you.

No, by choice only !

@VAL3941 It is by choice for me. I am not willing to give 45 America and 45 treating us Putin treats his people. America is a special place to live and I am not giving it up to a cunning com sewer swine who only lies.

I am from South Africa, No idea about American Politics ! Sorry.

@VAL3941 I just gave you a reply. Not a worry. Most Americans want the world to know they despise this 45, our idiot leader.

Thanks for enlightening me !

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