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The disgustingly bombastic, misleading, treasonous, self aggrandizing and slanderous two hour diatribe of hyperbolic clap-trap at the GOP convention last night was the culmination of the right-wing coup that started back in 2016 and we know more than ever what we have to expect because of the Democratic apathy, incompetence and inability to pick a candidate who can win against Trump and his adoring congregation of fist-waving partisans the likes of which has not been seen since Nazi Germany in 1939.
I forced myself to watch about half of the megalomaniacal diatribe before I had to turn it off in disgust. I blame Biden and the leaders of the Dem. party for allowing this to happen. The right-wing, "Christian National" Republican machine behind him is so organized that there is no point in even having a Democratic Convention, or even an election.
The Die is cast and we are all sheep to the slaughter. I am disgusted that I have been sending money to Act Blue for years and it has been needlessly wasted. Nobody cares enough to even challenge the lies and machinations with which this man has arranged to skip from ex-president to dictator without even having a competent opponent.
The most heinous outrage of all is allowing him to stack the Supreme Court so that they can change the Constitution making this man the only person in some 250 years of our so-called "Democracy" who is totally immune to the rule of law, and even able to make new law and strike existing laws with executive impunity. He will be the "president" this year and the entire world will experience the monstrous agenda he has promised.
Among the things he has promised include. "Banning the importation of foreign-made goods, including cars", Eliminating trade unions". "Taxing energy-saving vehicles into oblivion", "Destroying and banning all alternative energy sources" "Burning fossil fuels and increasing the mining of coal and pumping of petroleum", "Pulling the U.S. out of NATO and the UN" "Stopping all immigration", "stopping aid to Ukraine" and "forming stronger alliances with our enemies like Russia and North Korea". All of these we are willing to give him on a silver platter! Who is this man and why are we running headlong to the slaughter like sheep?
Watch the two-hour speech interrupted by cheering, fist waving MAGA morons and tell me I am wrong.

fishline79 7 July 20

Enjoy being online again!

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The Dem elite don't care, they work for the same corporate and pentagon overlords as the GOP. They kneecapped Sander's chances in 2020, and this time eliminated any chance rank and file Dems would have a say in who runs. Joe has been a craven party apparatchik all his life, which he's proved in spades the past four years. We're pretty much hosed.


Christianity has been an existential threat to Humanity and now we see how it will go down.

Sucks to be us. (The Deep State is doing this to condition us for extinction).


Why not say what you Really feel, LOL??!!?
And BTW, Me Too

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