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A screening of a broadcast: "OUTFOXED: RUPERT MURDOCH'S WAR ON JOURNALISM" is slated for this evening and I’ve signed up. The issue is about the FCC question whether to renew Faux Noise to be able to continue to broadcast it’s bevy of lies which, we all know, is endangering our present democratic system. Despite Musk's belief, freedom of speech is not unlimited. One problem I’ve encountered is that many know the station produces lies but then those same people come to the conclusion all media lies. A couple once told me so and they get their information from family and friends. A survey, on where people get their information, came up with this scary conclusion.

pedigojr 6 July 20

Enjoy being online again!

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All American mainstream media outlets are a product for a marketing demographic. Been that way since the 80s. It's not a conclusion, it's a fact. Fox may be the worst, but the rest still faithfully serve their corporate and pentagon masters. This is what people mean when they say Americans are the most propagandized people on Earth.

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