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So just FYI , would someone fall in love with me, 2019 at the latest? Because in 2020 I’m gonna be busy Campaigning For BERNIE !!!

Edgeward 6 May 8

Enjoy being online again!

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I wish Bernie had won. At least we would not have to put up with Trump.

True that!


Hasn't Bernie Sanders and his followers done enough damage to this country?

Ha! You ain’t seen nutting yet!
Hmmm, neither have I ...


Sorry, I can't fall in love with you, I'm already in love with Bernie 😉

Ha ! You’re funny!
Wrote that when I was sleepy, seemed pathetic when I read it later- this group just rolls with it! Fun folks!

Best response!


What? Is he too old to campaign by himself?

Ha ! Good one!


Feel the Bern!!! I have never campaigned for anyone, but I would for Bernie.

I caucused for the first time when he was running.


Bernie is my hero!

Mine too!
Loved the bird thing!


Ha ha ha ha .... it won't be me, but I like your direction and sense of planning ahead! Go Bernie!

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