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FreedomWriter writes!:

Now ask yourself as to why the government and mainstream media continue to mislead the general public of a crises that doesn’t exist?

I’ll tell you why, it’s to garner support from the public for what they’re planning, with amendments being made to Land Use By Laws, the Federal Real Property Act and Federal Real Property Regulations . This will lead to constructive taking, also known as de facto expropriation—in which government regulation of land use may amount to a constructive taking of private property. Instead of requiring a property owner to show that a government authority obtained a formal proprietary interest in property. This is the “forcible acquisition by the Crown of privately owned property…for public purposes” that will be under the guises of yet another ‘crises’ which is no more than a mere motive to make further billions of dollars. And through deceitful actions and fear, they look forward to the support of people for taking the land.

In the meantime with continued efforts to raise the cost of growing and producing to the farmer/ranchers, that to them it no longer makes sense to continue growing and producing. Again! All part . Com of their agenda of the end user owning nothing so that only ‘they’ are happy. If they continue to raise the cost of living to the point that people need to walk away from their vehicle payments, walk away from mortgage payments in order to pay for necessities, it becomes the forced coercion this group of evil doers depends on, while using propaganda such as making homes more affordable so that their false promises will garner people’s support.

When people need to choose between ownership and having equity over survival they’ll choose survival. Giving up vehicle transportation equally forces people into supporting 15 minute cities. Giving up mortgages forces people to rent and own nothing. Giving up both leaves you with no real equity, especially when people are no longer able to save and/or have spent their savings attempting to hold onto their vehicles and homes that in the end they’ve lost anyway. Forced coercion is a powerful tactic, involving these evil doers to create crises based on fear so that they can implement a solution to correct the crises they’ve created and it involves compelling a once free people to act in an involuntary manner. It involves a not so forceful action, yet still violates the free will of an individual, as their response to it is induced through propaganda, fraud, misinformation and disinformation and fear.

To obtain rural lands, they’ll use tactics like UNDRIP, to garner supporters. They’ll use the ‘crises’ and the aforementioned amendments to forcefully obtain land for new mining operations that are far from ‘green’. To locate these deposits they’ll use wild fires under the guise of climate change and a warming planet.

They require the land for mining but they don’t want to have to pay for it, so only through crises or foreclosures can they plan on acquiring it.

Lithium 🌩 ore occurs naturally in various geological settings around the world. The most common lithium-bearing minerals is found in lithium ores such as spodumene, lepidolite, and petalite, which are typically found in igneous rocks, pegmatites, and sedimentary deposits, or through Salt Brine Deposits, which are formed by the evaporation of salty water in arid regions. These deposits are rich in lithium salts, such as lithium chloride, lithium carbonate, and lithium hydroxide. However for this to take place, a great deal of agricultural land will be required, and that means land that is currently not crowned land, but agricultural land used as crop production and livestock farming. Being mindful that a world cannot starve when a world becomes in lack of agricultural foods. So, designated land where precious metal mining isn’t required, will produce these food sources, and I’m certain that land is or will be by large scale cooperatives owned by elitists who will control it. Equally as will land that is required for mining production.

Now let’s get into prospecting of Lithium deposits. Optical and thermal remote sensing data has been an important tool in geological exploration for certain deposit types. However in wooded areas that are extremely dense, this poses a problem for Satellite-Based Remote Sensing and image processing techniques for the exploration of raw materials like lithium 🌩 or other materials such as uranium. Using Landsat Multispectral Scanner System (MSS) images they can detect deposits, but where geobotanical anomalies are difficult to locate due to land areas that are densely populated by foliage and trees. Enter their global warming, where they’ve modelled raised temperatures as being the direct cause of wild fires. The fires are required to reduce dense forest areas where there’s high potential for these deposits to exist. This gives way for satellite technology to find lithium before investing in costly exploration, where it may result in environmental destruction and civil conflicts. So what better way to find lithium during a time when there is an urgent need to locate as much economic grade Lithium as possible due to its booming demand under the guise of a global warming crises and unrealistic push for EV usage? Which will be performed by satellite, and by prospecting ballon’s (enter Chinese Spy Balloon).

It has long been known that Saskatchewan and Alberta is home to one of the world’s largest lithium deposits, located deep underground in the Leduc geological formation, which is also a major oil-and-gas producing and agricultural area. And both the Alberta and federal governments have provided funding already for Lithium, and the federal government has also announced the creation of a 30 per cent tax credit for critical mineral exploration projects. A 39 per cent tax credit that will be made back through the carbon tax placed on the rest of us. So their narrative of them taxing the wealthy is a false one.

The federal government has also announced hundreds of millions in government subsidies in an effort to attract battery production and EV manufacturing to Canada.

With all said, the total area of land on farms in Alberta increased less than 1% between 2001 and 2006 to 52.1 million acres in 2006. It has 31.2% of the total farm area in Canada. However for some reason it is difficult to find total area of agriculture land use for Alberta today. But it doesn’t change the question of how are provincial and federal governments going to increase prospecting potential and allow for lithium to be explorated and developed without constructive taking of private property when growers and producers don’t desire to sell? By making it difficult for them to continue growing and producing through raised costs, a most likely pandemic involving forms of H1N1, that will affect poultry and other fowl, and which will suddenly carry over into other livestocks, creating another crises that will through Government/WHO order will have producers kill of their populations of fowl, cattle and other. Creating greater amounts of financial hardship, where large scale cooperations who are sitting on the sidelines and who will swoop in to purchase all that land, with government assistance and subsidies and government printing further monies to appear to help the growers and producers who are getting out.

1patriot 8 July 25

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