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A whole new direction for our upcoming presidential election. Just think of how many we have here of E. Indian heritage. This could be a big plus for Kamila (who I support wholeheartedly). BTW S. Indian food is very different from that of the North. It is commonly served in Vancouver BC. []

pedigojr 6 July 26

Enjoy being online again!

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While I certainly hope Harris receives extra support from people of all ethnicities and heritages, I still feel her biggest advantage is "not being Trump".

Fortunately very few people are.


She's been handed the opportunity of a lifetime, I'm hoping she can rise to the occasion. That Trump chose a couch fucking, cat hating, misogynistic shillbilly for his VP is already giving her a huge boost! Go Kamala!



About as relevant as Tiger Woods being half Thai. Her Indian roots are centuries old, she has Caribbean heritage more than anything else.
High cast Indians would view her as a half caste mongrel.

puff Level 8 July 26, 2024

And that would be a problem for her in the USA? What a nasty comment!!!!!

@annewimsey500 That was the plain truth. It is American's who always crap on about skin tone,
The black vote" and I do find it amusing this ceiling shattering black woman, whose ancestors ran slaves, is as African American as me.

@annewimsey500 More of a problem is shit like when in France, she put on a fake French accent when addressing reporters. If you think world leaders had little respect for Biden or Trump, you think she will improve the situation? lol

@annewimsey500 Unfortunately stupid says as stupid believes. Many people do have a heritage and are proud of it and continue to try and immerse themselves in parts of their culture. My late partner was of Persian heritage and even though she fully embraced the US culture she still relished in things she had grown up with. It is said one is Jewish if their mother is Jewish which means the heritage gets passed on especially to all the females of the group. Many consider themselves cultural, secular or even atheist Jews but still follow parts of their heritage.

The problem I have is that if one has one white parent and one black (or other ethnic group) one is often considered the other. If one has a black mother and white father they are black but if the mother is white and the father is black one is still black. Seems on way of tribalizing people for something of which they have no control.

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