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"What BlackRock Has Planned Is WORSE Than A Crash..." Whitney Webb's Last WARNING This is the latest warning out from Whitney Webb.

Investigative journalist Whitney Webb just gave her latest warning on BlackRock & Wallstreet. A new system of programmable money is being forged, one that can be controlled and directed solely by authority and elitess. This is only the beginning.

Whitney Webb, a columnist and researcher, recently talked on the Jimmy Door podcast about what she believes the elite class is planning for regular people. According to her, these elites want to control all assets and introduce carbon credits, claiming it's for environmental protection. However, Webb thinks this is just the start and that more complicated plans are coming.

Make sure to stick around until the end of the video as Whitney Webb reveals more mind-blowing observations about the new system they are imagining. A system to take away all of our privacy, autonomy and freedom.

1patriot 8 July 29

Enjoy being online again!

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