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Hawaii Is Banning Sunscreen to Protect Corals. But What About Your Skin?

phxbillcee 10 May 8

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I wear loose fitting light material long sleeve shirts a lot of times earlier in the warmer sunny seasons so skin is not over cooked before it is accustomed to the change. Can roll up sleeves for a while if too warm. I also like to find shade and avoid too much long exposure. I could never figure out why anyone would sit under the radiation of a nuclear furnace to get a tan on purpose and think this is good for them.


I don't think it is sunscreen killing coral. It is all the carbon we put into the air. About half is absorbed by the ocean making the oceans more acidic. So, I think it is the changed Ph is what is killing the coral.


chemical sunscreen just bakes cancer right into your body anyway--find a natural one


Just find yourself a different sunscreen that doesn't have the banned chemicals in it. There are plenty. You won't miss them but the corals will be happier.


In the balance of planet vs people, the coral. If no person was alive the planet would probably flourish but people need the planet.

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