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Two American military killed in Iraq. These US personnel in isolated bases in the ME are sitting ducks and your government knows this. They also know the Iraqi parliament have made it very clear US forces are not wanted in Iraq but like an unwelcome party guest they refuse to fuck off home. As an occupying force illegally and uninvited in a sovereign foreign country you have the right to resist via any means, the UN charter signed by the USA states this quite clearly. No occupation, no Hamas. No occupying US forces, no US military being attacked. It's quite simple.
Defending an occupation is not self defense, never will be. If American I would be asking what are our people doing there without adequate protection when the risk of attack is greater than ever? Sacrificial lambs for empire.
It is a soldier's duty to disobey illegal orders, this includes postings, so sorry but little sympathy for occupiers who die defending their occupation, especially when they have been instructed to go.

puff 8 Aug 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Our military is there under invitation from the Iraqi government. It's not illegal at all. Why are you making shit up?

Tejas Level 8 Aug 6, 2024

You are being lied to. Iraq told the US to fuck off in 2020, pretty well officially eg via parliamentary vote as soon as dumbarse Trump murdered the Iranian general on a diplomatic mission in Bagdad.

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