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Now that Trump's campaign is tanking, I have to wonder what all those Xian dumb asses who claimed he was chosen by GOD to be president and SAVE America are going to come up with to absolve God of having sh-t the bed on that one.

Sgt_Spanky 8 Aug 9

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My neighbor is still flying his "Vote for Jesus 2024" flag that looks exactly like a Trump flag except for the wording.

He has also started on the second half of his has only been 3+ months since he started. And I believe he may have used 6-8 tubes of roofing cement around the pretty massive chimney, instead of proper flashing.....Such a great choice in an area with Massive temperature swings......just a Great Mind over there.....


To me it seems that Trump fits the image of the Anti-Christ rather than the Second Coming of Christ, but I guess that is just me being logical. 🙂


You are making the fundamental mistake of expecting Xians to behave in a logical reason manner, to them "Faith" Trumps all (pun intended) Facts, logic reason are all instruments of the Devil meant to undermine Faith.
Trump being "persecuted" just because he actually did the things he is accused of, is yet another sign of how much the Devil wants to stop him from accomplishing his god give mission.

Then we can make the argument that the Devil is smarter than God if he can overturn God's work so effortlessly.

@Sgt_Spanky Well, if God demands blind faith rather than logic, you have a point.

Now, some of us are not capable of blind faith. Our brains simply won't allow it. If heaven is for those who do not think logically, and hell is for those who do think logically, then I suppose I am going to hell per predestination.

@Sgt_Spanky Contextually Satan is obviously smarter than God, after loosing the first war in heaven, he "allows" himself the job of taking in and ruling over all the tacticians, murderers, assassin, killers, spies and vicious people.
While god gets all the pacifists, peacemakers, inoffensive people, weaklings and victims.
So when Satan has established the biggest and deadliest army in the history of everything, the all wise god is going to ask his general Michael to fend them off with Ghandi, Mother Teressa and Winnie the Pooh.

@LenHazell53 Well, Christianity basically started as a victim religion. After all their "Messiah" was whipped and crucified in direct opposition to the Jewish notion of a victorious Messiah. The best and quickest way to achieve salvation was martyrdom. Turn the other cheek and all that. I think Nietzche had a lot to say about this.


Believers don't care.

Look at the multitude of false prophecies and nonsense they hold on to and push.

Look at Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Baker, they are still preaching and have a following.

Yes, and look at Trump followers.


How Pleasant to think about, TFP!


My former husband is a staunch Xian and GOPer. My kids (all girls) like to do one big happy family on birthdays and some holidays, so I will be seeing him sometime in the near future. This will be so interesting to watch. All the kids are just as staunch in supporting Kamala. I really have hope for the future now.

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