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Best line I heard today ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 10

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I suppose Marijuana users are bullies then, as during her time as a prosecutor she had multiple such individuals prosecuted for what amounted to a victimless crime. As that old saying goes, it takes one to know one, and district prosecutors are not exactly the most honest people among us. Please note my restraint on how such is a direct contradiction to the progressive agenda of far less prosecution due to our jails being crowded/high incarceration rate in the country. As is the case with certain police officers, I suspect prosecutors were also once bullied considerably while in school, and grew up seeking to get revenge for such.

As for the school coach part goes, based on my own direct experience that's a joke. I can vividly recall there being widespread bullying when I was in school (20-25 years ago), and the school staff consistently did relatively little to stop it, and in some cases the teachers participated in all of that no less. My gym teacher in my senior year in high school, I strongly suspected that guy had a grudge against homosexuals. That said, I'm sure there are some decent teachers and coaches out there, but equally so there are also alot of deadbeats and creeps just the same.

The job of Any prosecutor is to vigorously help enforce the existing laws, or do you think otherwise?

@annewimsey500 I don't think otherwise, but that wasn't my point. My point was that part of the progressive agenda that Harris claims to be in support of, would be to go easier on prosecutions involving victimless crimes, as underprivileged groups such as blacks suffer the most from such actions, and are supposedly incarcerated at a higher rate than whites. Harris' actions as a prosecutor did nothing much to help that matter, and just as sure as there's crooked cops there are also crooked district attorneys.

@SpikeTalon because she vigorously did her job is NO reason to Assume "crooked[ness]", ever, and beneath you.


But how do we handle 6 corrupt SCOTUS judges willing to overturn a presidential election (again).

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