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Not to be insensitive to Donald Trump's plight to be allowed to use some popular music in his campaign -- he's been rejected by everyone short of Kid Rock and Ted Nugent -- so I'd like to recommend a couple of songs that wouyld be appropriate for his campaign specifically.

CREEP by Radiohead --

LOSER by Beck --

I can't guarantee either of these artists would allow him to use their music either but it ouldn't hurt for him to ask.

Good luck, Donald!

Sgt_Spanky 8 Aug 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Trump should use this guy, he's as delusional as Trump

I go to karaoke every week and am pretty good, one of the better ones there, and this guy is worse than about all the ones I usually see there. Really annoying, besides his lack of talent, in that he insists on talking so damned much before starting his song. I really hate that at karaoke. Just shut the fuck up and sing your song when the music starts. This guy also clearly never believes in practicing with the accompanist, as he is thrown off at the start of the song. Vocally he is worse than William Hung of American Idol fame, lol. Amazing that this guy bragged about being so good at church singing and beating some other guy in a gospel or church singing competition.

I have sung special music solos many times at Unitarian churches, and also sung at a couple weddings, tho I am nowhere near a professional, but I assure you that no Unitarian church would ever let this guy sing a solo there, and might not even let him be in the choir, with how terrible his voice and pitch would be for the choir!

Where is the emoji for wanting to gouge your ears out??


Nailed it... on both counts! But you just ruined two of my old favorites. LMAO!!

I'm sorry, but sometimes in war innocent people get hurt. This is a war to keep Trump OUT.

@Sgt_Spanky I admire your selfless nobility 🙂

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