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Religion is the opium of the masses.
My dad said this hundreds of times when I was growing up and I think it is so true.
I was just wondering if anyone has comments on this statement. I certainly welcome any views on this statement.
Thanks for taking time to provide input.

pamelayoung481 5 May 8

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I think so because there is the dependence on a glorious hereafter and if you are dead you wouldn't get to know if it were true or not so it seems a bit like having money in the bank when you die without a will.


Yes. Just like crack rock and other drugs, religion can be addictive and make you feel good. However, long term use of religion and/or crack rock is not good for you. Lol


Yup it makes the masses pliable, docile, suggestible and in the end it gets in to their blood, poisons them and leaves them a wrecked shell of their former selves longing for just one fix of fake dreams and oblivion, before the light shines down out of the sky and carries them away to lalaland.


It's more like bath salts or Crystal meth it gets hold it becomes everything and it makes you do a bunch of crazy shit


Its true - people will search for truth until they think they've found it. Belief in God and an eternal reward gives them peace.

gater Level 7 May 8, 2018
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