I kinda get annoyed when Kanye refers to himself as a freethinker.
Thought is based on memory. He has demonstrated that he is uneducated by the things he says . Study issues before you speak. Duh!
I care what Kanye thinks about as much as I care what the Kardashians think.
I place that whole crowd of current day rappers and socialites on about the same level as Donald Trump. A bunch of useless, self absorbed, narcisstic assholes who not only fail to contribute to the betterment of society, but actually manage to lower the bar.
Im proud of Kanye's stance - he's clearly a freethinker - not part of the mob.
Yeah, a child is also a freethinker! It thinks freely and acts upon it without anticipation or consideration of consequences! Like peeing in its pants!!
@AnandaKhan lol
Then you will have to be annoyed by every stupid stuff every stupid people say. LoL.. There's a lot of interesting and true freethinkers out there to focus on. Give Kanye a break. Hehe. Kidding..