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Hard to swallow pills, God is ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 29

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All of these people wanting to be "saved" and I always wonder what they are being saved from. In the case of religions they save you from what god would do to you if you do not let him save you. Some people become convinced that the "eternity in hell" concept is going to happen to them and they run to their gods. Yes, it's all in a book. Why not? Books are how most of us got educated to start with. Now your personal god has a book. He also has a plan. Better keep praying so he will listen to you and change his plan. You can pray that you are so happy not to be one of the starving children.

You get saved from.being stoned to death for being a prostitute, by the government laws , hence, Jesus saves

Not that difficult to understand


And sometimes not even remotely friendly, either........


Take two and call me in the morning!!😇


Government is gonna Save me

That's another fairytale.


Or a Santa Claus for Adults.

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