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Pro-vaccine journalist Jane Hansen DIES from a BRAIN TUMOR just three years after proudly announcing her Pfizer injections online

Tags: badcancer, badhealth, badmedicine, badscience, Big Pharma, biological weapon, brain damaged, brain health, brain tumor, cancer causes, cancer criminals, chemical violence, Dangerous Medicine, died suddenly, Jane Hansen, mRNA, pandemic, Pfizer, pharmaceutical fraud, spike protein, vaccination, vaccine death, vaccine wars, vaccines

i am sorry to say, but that not the only way they are killing us....chemtrails, biometrics, dr. Robert Duncan said 26 different ways they are killing us off. and they killed him this year he was a scientist for CIA Dr.Robert Duncan died in July 2024

1patriot 8 Aug 29

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A long time ago, people just died mysteriously and then were forgotten . Now there is a full investigation by specialists. I suggest you look up a few MORE final conclusions.


Is it's best not to know this just let them keep killing people with a poison injection and do not record any of it? i have seen and read lots of this as all pharma companies say they are not responsible, they made it the way the government requested....

@1patriot But do they find the ACTUAL cause of death? Denial is more important to them than the truth.

@Mcfluwster coroners inspect the body and many find white plastic silcone type clots in the veins. most of it is suspect. and than the question of death is well they were all jabbed some as far back as 4 years ago. all I say is be careful of the government these days as someone's money is calling the shots!

@Mcfluwster []

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