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German elections and inflammatory language from media.

It's a loopy world. This party is described as far right because of immigration. Yes anti immigration is far right but wanting managed migration is on the right for sure, but hardly "Far right"

Plus this political opposition seems anti war to me. "Nevertheless, the overall picture does not appear positive for Scholz or his coalition partners as they contend with strong anti-immigrant sentiment and scepticism towards Germany’s military support for Ukraine."
Since when has anti-war been considered "Far right"? Silly me always thought anti-war was on the left of politics

puff 8 Sep 1

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Screaming about immigration is basically weasel wording for racism to get votes. Immigration is just something all countries have to manage, it's not some sort of crisis that needs to be solved. And if the first world would stop creating failed states and supporting horrible despotic regimes in the rest of the world it would be far less of a problem to manage. That however rarely gets mentioned.

"Immigration is just something all countries have to manage,"
100%, that is the problem.


A good analysis . It comes more from the German desire to be "Tidy" or fastidious (alternative word for religious) .

About 60% of German residents say that they believe there is a God, Not as much as the US, since the vast majority of wars are religious. Although I'm more of a classic liberal, this new left is really strange drawing us toward world war faster and abortion than any group before in my lifetime.

@Castlepaloma There does not have to be a world war. Just remove some people who think they have all the answers


That should be easy, just follow the money.

@Castlepaloma as always !

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