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In the modern era, when someone says, “The devil made me do it!” we recognize they’re trying to deflect blame for their own rotten behaviour, and we rightly scoff at them.

But how about if they use the 21st century equivalent of that rotten excuse: “Climate change made me do it!”?

Sound ridiculous?

Well, what if I were to tell you that climate change is causing Pakistani men to beat their wives?

Or that the climate crisis can derail trains?

Or that climate weirding is responsible for an uptick in child marriages in Pakistan?

Or that increasing temperatures are turning lobsters into cannibals?

Or that global warming can cause THE ENTIRE EARTH TO EXPLODE!

Well, it can, and it does, and it is!

Don’t believe me? Look upon this list of things that The Science™ has officially pinned on the devil—errr, I mean “climate change”—and prepare to weep, deniers!

Full article


1patriot 8 Sep 9

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The use of single use plastic, mainly packaging has been around 50 years. In another 50 or shorter it will be banned. That is our real gift to many generations that will follow us. And shit like glycophate aka round-up, DDT and the like.

puff Level 8 Sep 9, 2024


Scientists Discover ‘Off Switch’ to ‘Reverse’ Covid Vaccines

i found this i know you would be interested...hopefully it's not another scam!

@1patriot Sounds promising, but let's learn from covid.
Freely given consent is needed, informed consent which means they must know this is a new medicine and they may join this trial with the understanding they may be given a placebo. No coercion, no BS.

Secondly FFS lets have proper trials on this one. After 5 years of data has been collected and analysed and peer reviewed by independent scientists, let it rip on the public if they freely choose to have it.

If people die because medical science has learnt and does thorough testing this time, so be it. Life is not fair. They may always join the trials.

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