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You know what I would really like to see go viral? ...

snytiger6 9 Sep 9

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An anthropologist named Christopher Boehm (Ph. D. University of Chicago) has researched behavior-related language. I found his info in an online library at a college in Napa County, California.


I wonder if our first statesmen in Congress exchanged early Elizabethan insults, or if they behaved as gentlemen. If it were the latter, I'm sure Fox News would go back in time and change that.

Have you never seen British Parliament at work? They make ours look like Sunday school. From historic literature, governments have frequently been madhouses and violent.

@Barnie2years Nope....I've never experienced that dubious pleasure. Thanks for the warning 🙂


@Barnie2years Yikes! Well you weren't kidding! I believe the entire world is crackers right now

You can stop wondering. The sword-carrying memberrs of an early English parliament, known to historiians as the Parliament of Bats, replaced their swords with wooden clubs. The majority in that parliament had voted to ban swords; the minority continued to feel endangered and replaced their swords with other weapons.

A decades-ago search on “named parliaments” found other parliaments, known formally by monarchs’ names, with alternate names.

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