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Oh goody more gloom and doom. Unfortunately it’s serious, at least to those of us paying attention. It’s the huge number of illiterati (or those burying their heads in the sand) we need to be concerned about.

“Bill Gates says the world is facing two options: A ‘major war’ or another pandemic in less than 30 years” []

pedigojr 6 Sep 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Why our civilization is tanking illustrated. A man who has zero qualifications in history or futurism is given a voice by the media as if a man's utterly unqualified opinion is suddenly valuable because he's rich.

Or medicine. During covid, in Australia at least but everywhere, we had Chief Medical Officers of each state devising what public safety measures should be. We have experts in that, they are called safety experts. Medical expert would not know what a risk assessment is if it fell on them, illustrated by the fact they chose to isolate all infected in high rise buildings in our major population centres for an airborne virus. In a place like Australia, a 5 year old could figure out an island or middle of nowhere is a better option. Add to that they allowed security for the quarantined to moonlight in other jobs, including food delivery. Surprise surprise the virus spread here, every single outbreak came from quarantine.

Right now a major industry in our area, Boeing, has been a target for a lot of criticism. When the company bought our Douglas Aircraft Boeing adopted the other companies idea of having bean counters (not a single engineer) in the board. Boeing also relocated first to Chicago and then the D.C area. Because of 2 deadly crashes and a lot of other ills has cause Boeing's stock to also crash. Now a new CEO has promised to return the company to the Seattle area and work on helping the employees have more say in the product they are building.

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