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Scared of gun violence? Want to protect yourself? Well great news!!!!!!

Introducing the new safe and effective bullet proof vest using the latest technology. The vest may not totally stop the bullet, in fact any bullet may pass right through and hit someone else. But you may be assured, it will save your life!!

This new material used to make the vest, using the newest and best technology, does fade after about 3 months but don't worry. You may purchase extra outer layers to boost your protection. We recommend these layers are added every three months or so, or at least every year.

So hurry up and protect yourself with this new safe and effective vest and make yourself bullet proof. The more people that use this safe and effective vest, the safer we all will be.

And as an special bonus for first time customers, you can get one absolutely free!! Yes that's right, totally "Free" thanks to subsidies from government who want all to be safe.
So don't delay and get your free vest now. If you delay, it may be too late!! We also make in children sizes so there is no excuse, get your family protected now!!!

For all those with a superiority complex who wish to smear non conformists during Covid with the same brush.

puff 8 Sep 11

Enjoy being online again!

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There is dozens of other greater ways to die than by a bullet. I won't wear a sweaty, heavy and expensive bullet proof vest. Unless I'm in a war zone country. It's the fear of a anticipation short, sharp, shock.

A nice strong fear factor convinces many to tolerate the intolerable unfortunately. Lot's of things can kill us in this life, which should be about quality not length.


Keep it for wearing every time and just before you open the front door or , Just invisible under your sleeping attire! You were WARNED !

I should have added "No need to hide in your houses anymore"


The drug cartels of the world got together and forced everyone into their home for a couple years. And forced everyone to take their drugs. Not enough guns in the world can pull that off.

@Castlepaloma Enough dumbs can though 😉

@Castlepaloma You COULD though??

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