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God doesn't help you pass that test ...

snytiger6 9 Sep 12

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Then the Evangelicals will tell you that you have too much education.

It's not just evangelicals. My Mormon father blamed my sister's education, (She has a Masters in Psychology) for her leaving the Mormon church. Of course that didn't explain why my oldest brother and myself also left as well. My oldest brother's BA was in marketing, and my BA was in Sociology, after getting an AA in Addiction Studies.

I have three other siblings who stayed in the Mormon faith. Only one graduated with a 4 year degree, her's was in education. Although the other two took some JC (Junior College) courses, they never achieved any degrees.

I do agree with my father in the sense that learning critical thinking skills, or how to apply what you learn in school to your actual life, does tend to move people away from faith and religion. This is because religion doesn't stand up to scrutiny or questioning when a person learns how to ask questions in a meaningful way that matters.

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