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A more detailed financial report of BRICS impact complete with brain fart of Trumps.

puff 8 Sep 14

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The sooner dedollatisation occurs the sooner the Australian & Canadian dollars cease to be manipulated by the Americans.

Hopefully it will eventually cause total meltdown of Trump & the US dollar.

On the issue of only being able to use a specific currency being likened to a finance card used to buy groceries. In Australia this has already occurred with government pensioners & welfare recipients having to use the American originated Indue card.

I don't think it will be like that. It will be local currencies, and a universal currency, probably a bit coin type thing. The $USD will still be around, it will just not dominate with the US losing the power to sanction any at whim. No more using the $USD as a tool of foreign policy. No more confiscating assets.
The more the US use these aggressive uses of the $USD, the more attractive alternatives become so totally up to the US how dramatically it falls. If they continue to play hard ball, it may change quickly. That won't benefit anyone but some arrogance needs to go away or else the US will continue to hasten it's own demise.

Where in Australia does that happen? The NT tried but think they cut it, only in certain Aboriginal communities banning alcohol and tobacco purchases only.

@puff I read but didn't closely follow it but vaguely remember that it was being trialled also in NSW (Wollongong?) & SA.





Interesting fact . The US had 14 million miltary troops in world war 2. Today US has only 1.4 million troops. Are they ready for world war 3 ?

No and they don't want WW III. They just want constant proxy wars to feed the economic machine. Maintain a certain level of conflict. Drag it out, cut and run and start another one somewhere else.
Russia has watched the process repeated many times as has China and every other country. Russia made a stand, not playing this game and will now conquer Ukraine as quickly as possible because it his only option as no diplomacy, no negotiation. They will keep some and give some back.
No one wants WW III but the US will fight to keep it's king dog status. BRICS currency will get them once up and running. The $USD will be forced to compete if it wants to remain in the game. That means no more US sanctions/ tariffs etc if they want to survive. No-one wants the US destroyed, just to pull their head in.


Sounds reasonable to me.


He describes the world events really well. East nations fear far less the US and NAtO bullies.

Here is what Putin describes of France and the Continent of Africa. It might be over the top, yet definitely moving forward in that direction. It's also has to do with African nations switching their currency. Currency is like electric energy moving through nature .

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