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Bill (William George) Hayden 21st Governor-General of Australia, from 1989 to 1996 was and still is to this day the only openly atheist bloke to hold this job. His atheism prevented him from accepting the helm of the Australia scouts movement.

To this day, 22 years and 5 GGs later, he remains the only atheist ever to climb the throne of viceroy.

The current top moron is a Catholic soldier. At some stage there was an Anglican bishop or arch. He had to go because of the vicious stuff that was happening in the church he had been the CEO and chief indoctrinator of. Australia joined the coalition of willing, of which Uzbekistan was also a member, under his watch.

PontifexMarximus 8 May 8

Enjoy being online again!

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So long ago, now I feel really old. Bill became treasurer as I began my banking career.

He became GG the year after I settled in Brissie... Sir Joh was just gone and the Fitzgerald inquiry just started to cast a light on the Moonshine state

@PontifexMarximus Bloody Fitzgerald Inquiry kept me busy, we had some really decent cops, and I know a few personally who were receiving death threats from crooked ones, in the early days of the inquiry my head was spinning from the amount of cover ups happening.
At least Terry Lewis got jailed, but many more should have gone with him.It barely scratched the surface. You made it in time for Expo?

@Rugglesby yes ... Got my first job there ...but only for a few days 2 years later I made my personal contribution to the Australian population growth
I think all the indecent once were sent to FNQ ... Lingered for 11 years in Cairns.


And yet, by default, Donald Trump is the honorary head of BSA. A sad commentary of creed over character.

RichE Level 5 May 8, 2018

British Small Arms? They made also reasonably good motorbikes

@PontifexMarximus Indeed they did. When I joined the Boy Scout of America, my old man said when he saw my uniform, "BSA? Isn't that British Small Arms?" At nine years old, I didn't get the joke!

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