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Financial exploitation is a reality, perpetuated by various systems every day. The healthcare industry is one of the worst offenders. Healthcare profits more than oil companies, mastering the art of squeezing out every possible dollar. "Just one more test," they say. Or, "That level's a bit elevated—better keep you under observation overnight, or at least until your insurance runs dry."

One of my personal favorites is when they claim your blood pressure is high. Who wouldn’t have elevated BP after a day in the hospital?

Strangely, hardly anyone leaves the hospital cured. You either leave dead, still sick, or—if you're lucky—patched up, but never truly healed.

Hospitals operate much like hotels—empty rooms mean lost money. Keeping patients there benefits the hospital, not necessarily the patient.

This is why it's crucial to listen to yourself, not the profit-driven system trying to exploit you or your loved one.

Drank_Spear 7 Sep 15

Enjoy being online again!

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I am very grateful for the NHS here in the UK. At the very least they tend not to keep you in, because here beds cost them money.

Same here.

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