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Your monkey pox shot coming up. all you liberals got to line up LOL
• Myocarditis and/or pericarditis, ischemic heart disease and nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy. (5.1, 5.2)
• Encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, encephalopathy, progressive
vaccinia (vaccinia necrosum), generalized vaccinia, severe vaccinial
skin infections, erythema multiforme major (including StevensJohnson syndrome), eczema vaccinatum, fetal vaccinia and fetal
death. (5.1)
• Ocular vaccinia that may lead to blindness. (5.3)
• These risks, including risks of severe disability and/or death, are
increased in vaccinees with:
• Cardiac disease. (5.2)
• Eye disease treated with topical steroids. (5.3)
• Congenital or acquired immune deficiency disorders. (5.4)
• History or presence of eczema and other skin conditions. (5.5)
• Infants < 12 months of age. (5.6)
Pregnancy. (5.7)
• ACAM2000 is a live vaccinia virus that can be transmitted to
persons who have close contact with the vaccinee and the risks in
contacts are the same as those stated for vaccinees. (5.10)
------------------------------ADVERSE REACTIONS-------------------------------
Common adverse reactions include inoculation site signs and
symptoms, lymphadenitis, and constitutional symptoms, such as
malaise, fatigue, fever, myalgia, and headache (6). These adverse
reactions are less frequent in revaccinated persons than persons
receiving the vaccine for the first time.
Inadvertent inoculation at other sites is the most frequent complication
of vaccinia vaccination. The most common sites involved are the face,
nose, mouth, lips, genitalia and anus.
Self-limited skin rashes not associated with vaccinia replication in skin,
including urticaria and folliculitis, may occur following vaccination.
To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact Emergent
BioSolutions at 1-877-246-8472 and or
VAERS at 800-822-7967 and [].
-----------------------USE IN SPECIFIC POPULATIONS------------------------
• ACAM2000 may rarely cause fetal infection, usually resulting in
stillbirth or death. (8.1)
• ACAM2000 live vaccinia virus may be transmitted from a lactating
mother to her infant causing complications in the infant from
inadvertent inoculation. (8.2)
• ACAM2000 may be associated with an increased risk of serious
complications in children, especially in infants younger than 12
months. (8.4)

1patriot 8 Sep 15

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