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Looks like the UK is going down the pan. UK prime minister/Leader of the Labour Party has abandoned the party's traditional values.

Owen Jones, a left-wing political activist, explains:

Starmer treats you with contempt

Did Labour cover this up?

Starmer exposes himself for who he really is - Fury As Labour Attacks Pensioners

Ryo1 8 Sep 20

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He’s definitely not started well…made a few very elementary political mistakes and Ill-judged decisions, but I think after only two and a half months it’s a bit premature to pronounce on his premiership just yet. We seem to have very short memories regarding the 14 year Tory shitshow we’ve just endured. We can but hope Starmer is learning from his mistakes and will get his act together to restore confidence that he will and can do much better…and pretty soon start getting favourable results. Results that his policies are working, and the public feeling things are improving for them, is the only real yardstick that will shift this feeling that we’ve just exchanged one lot of chancers for another equally as bad.

I’m one of the pensioners affected by not getting my £300 fuel allowance this year…I’m not complaining about losing it because I know I’m able to fill my tank with oil whether I’m in receipt of this government benefit or not. I won’t have to make the decision of whether to heat or eat…however I know there are many others who will be have to make such tough decisions and for that I am truly sorry. It is right not to make this a universal benefit for all pensioners, but the manner of doing it is wrong, and surely the government can devise a better system of ensuring that needy pensioners get this money than some arbitrary cut-off where an extra pound or two of income can cause such a disastrous disadvantage. This whole episode got Labour off to the worse possible start and it being the first announcement after taking office by new chancellor Rachel Reeves a massive political blunder in my opinion….perceived to be amateurish and inept at best, cruel and calculated at worst.

They do need to get their act together and stop giving fodder to the gleeful right-wing Tory press rags of Daily Express & Daily Mail…and also to the lefties such as Owen Jones who sees Starmer as as a slightly paler blue Tory and not really Labour at all. Show us your true Labour credentials Keir…after this poor start to office, you’re namesake, the man you were named after - Keir Hardie, must be turning in his grave!

It is predicted that 4,000 pensioners could die THIS WINTER as a result of Starmer scrapping the winter fuel allowance. These pensioners can't afford to stay patient and positive until they see the light at the end of the tunnel. For how long anyway? Even union leaders at the TUC conference said it was a bad move and asked Starmer to change his mind. One union leader said convincingly that you increase the tax on the rich by 1%, yes, mere 1%!, and you could easily collect money more than enough from them to fill the black hole in a short period of time. While this is feasible, why would Starmer rather punish the disadvantaged and the vulnerable?

Meanwhile, Starmer earns more than £200,000/year, plus all expenses covered by taxpayers' money. Why accept donations from the rich so that he can buy his wife expensive clothes and buy himself expensive pairs of glasses costing thousands and thousands pounds in total? What's more, it has been revealed that Starmer received £4m donation from an offshore hedge fund company that invests in weapons and private healthcare. Saying that he hasn't broken any law by accepting these donations is no execuse. There are politicians out there who do not accepet donations. His behavior is unethical and is right against the spirit of public service. Starmer and his cabinet are not conviction politicians.

@Ryo1 We’re not in disagreement. I agree he has been wrong in his decisions…both political and private. He needs to acknowledge his mistakes and start acting with integrity in his personal decision making, rejecting freebies, and he needs to take measures to mitigate the rescinding of the universal fuel payment to those who are most at risk of not being able to heat their homes adequately. I think he’s got the message …let’s reassess his success or failure as a leader based on whether he does what he says he will do, to make the UK a fairer and more equable country for all. That can’t be after this short a space of time, especially as we seem to be in quite a deep hole economically…the legacy of Tory mismanagement. Anyway, if not Starmer and Labour, who would you prefer to be in office?

>>> if not Starmer and Labour, who would you prefer to be in office?
Good question. I can't answer that. There are no conviction politicians I can trust.

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