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By taxing the churches ...

snytiger6 9 Sep 21

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First, need to tax the government and make the pay. Especially for their capitalism slavery since the European invasion of 1492 and the governmental terrorist European invadors freedom from England July 4th, 1776 and refusing to provide true human rights freedoms for everyone on Earth to include but not limited to free brick homes built by true masons, , businesses and property for everyone on Earth free from mortgage, free from rent, free from taxation, free from governmental terrorism and capitalism slavery.

As well, free education of all knowledge, understanding, wisdom, skill, craft, trade, and college certifications of every kind free from cost, free from fees and free from loans. Then when everyone has a doctorate degree of every kind we could enjoy free medical services, treatment and cures for everyone on Earth free from cost, free from fees and free from indebtedness.

Then free medical services, treatment and cures for everyone on Earth free from cost free and indebtedness and true justice capital justice punishment for anyone that opposes these things.

Word Level 8 Sep 21, 2024
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