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We are into that time now in politics where almost anything can be altered or presented in ways that are confusing. Videos get re-edited and spliced together and people think it is funny. It might just be the foreign influence working to distract us. One such video I have seen is Kamala Harris repeatedly claiming she grew up in a poor family. That remark is her answer for everything in the video, again and again. I'm posting something here that many of us can use when we are on social media sites that resort to this nonsense or foreign influence.

Then we have that big meeting of Kamala and Oprah Winfrey that everyone has a different take on. It finally comes to guns and gun control where Kamala Harris reportedly said, "I don't know about you but if someone breaks into my house they are going to get shot."

No, she is not taking your guns away.

DenoPenno 9 Sep 21

Enjoy being online again!

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I have found many Online sources on social media where the meme above fits very well as an answer to what is being said. Often you trace them down to find a foreign source of some kind is involved in our political discussions. The entire site is there simply for misinformation.

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