"For the third consecutive year, Russian representatives have been barred from participating in the 80th anniversary commemorations of the Auschwitz-Birkenau liberation, according to the Auschwitz Museum.....Before the (Ukraine) war, Russia had been a regular participant in the annual January 27th ceremonies, marking the day Soviet soldiers liberated the Auschwitz death camp in 1945........Auschwitz-Birkenau stands as a symbol of the genocide carried out by Nazi Germany, which led to the deaths of six million Jews across Europe. Other victims included 80,000 non-Jewish Poles, 25,000 Romani people, and 20,000 Soviet soldiers."
So the Nation that had 20,000 of their own exterminated there, who also liberated the place, are not welcome. Yet I'm sure there will be Israeli representatives there.
"Never Again" they will say.
The Russians under Stalin were just as ruthless if not more so.
So? They have only been banned for the last 3 years. There would have been Russian soldiers who made that pilgrimage to honour both their dead and those they liberated but now are unwelcome.
No-one misses Stalin's USSR, no one misses Nazi Germany. No-one misses early American settlers who gave pox ridden bedding to the natives either.
This is rewriting history. Our Remembrance Day in Australia, ANZAC day, our former enemies are welcome to our marches. Because it is a day of remembrance above all else