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A Danish whistleblower has come forward claiming US military vessels were in the area of the explosions with transponders turned off. He was a local Harbour Master. He was instructed to "Shut up".
Was always going to come back and bite the perpetrators as it should as an attack on critical European energy infrastructure. Could well be the death knell for NATO if found to be aware of the operation before hand.
Why the "West" can't afford to lose in Ukraine. Because Russia will be holding enquiries into the war upon victory because so many have died eg at what stages were certain decisions made that caused the conflict. Plea deals will be made. It will come out. Many will go down because once the Europeans understand what happened, especially Germany, they will not be happy.
Those who did nothing wrong have nothing to fear.

puff 8 Oct 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Who knew that news could have a second birthday?


Excellent find. Well worthbwatching all 45bminutes of it.


He makes good sense. Don't think Ukraine boat story has the capacity to blow up the Nord stream pipeline, Yet US hush hush motives, capitbillity and their silence investigation with evidence dose. .

Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Iran who were once enemies, Are now drawn together because Netanyahu has suggested to threaten them with nuclear weapons. And the only country in the middleeast that has them. Plus Russia and China have alot more now investment in the Middle east.

I think they are drawn together, as much of the world is, at the horror of crimes against humanity in a walled off city. An industrial scale genocide, by the last European colony, enables much of the world through direct experience to sympathise with the Palestinian cause.
Those of us that are human are just appalled at any crime against humanity, especially from "our side" this time, as we are the ones enabling Israeli excesses.

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