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I don't suppose there are any retired entomologists here, interested in doing a bit of taxonomy work, probably voluntarily?

CeliaVL 7 Oct 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Vera's father died.


Why don't you want to do it yourself?

Say a bit more about the issue background?

I am not a taxonomist and my brain is now too old (80)to learn to do what needs to be done. I work as a volunteer for Natural England, the body which is supposed to look after a large part of the natural world in the UK. It is ridiculously underfunded and mismanaged so needs to use volunteers. I am working with Dr Matthew Shepherd on a national database of mites, collecting and inputting data from the late nineteenth century up to the present.

I have an interest in mites insofar as they love to bite me. I used to work in an invertebrate lab trying to reproduce research on transplanting cockroach legs to investigate morphogenic fields. We used CO2 piped into a microscope stage to immobilize the specimens. I recently hypothesized, based on my mite problem that they carry fungus or some other microorganism which continues to afflict my skin well after the bite has healed. I assume it is a fungus because Nystatin works to clear it up. I wish you luck on your work. I don't think I can help you, but you are welcome to send questions...

@racocn8 Thank you.

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