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TheoryNumber3 8 Oct 14

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I don't go in the water except to shower. I use to love swimming but that was in NJ, the water is warm in the summer. Here in WA State it's all glacial fed or winter snow pack and too cold to be in without a shortie. By late summer there are side pools along the river/streams are okay for wading in but still cold.
I don't think there are any venomous creatures to worry about.

And if there were, they would be Slloooooowwwww on account of being Cold!


None of that around here so, I think I'm safe. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Oct 14, 2024

I have had a small aboveground pool for about 40 years, with a large deck all around it .....costs about $100/year in chemicals plus about $20/month more elecricity, almost takes no time to set up & cover, and completely, completely private.
I just walk out and go down the short ladder, day or nite, in my nightgown if not nude, no sand or mud all it!


Wow! For the most part I avoid the water when possible. Going to the beach I avoid the water because of jellyfish and possible sharks.

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