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Funny, to me at least, how many on this site delight in (as I also do) revealing that religions are total bullshit. We love to ridicule those 'faith defenders' as deluded fools who can only respond to our rejection of their myths with name calling and demonizing.

Somehow, when it is seclar myths that get the treatment, our cadre of disbelievers do an even better job at whining, name calling and condemning. I take even greater delight in THAT. That they don't see themselves is the funniest part.

Here's a real myth breaker and story also of one of the lowest forms of theft. It is 'black face' without the grease paint and white gloves.

Silver1wun 7 Oct 18

Enjoy being online again!

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You are a racist Pig....the days when anybody but racists care what color a person's skin is have passed, like 4 decades ago.

Kamala's small minded supporters are the ones who care about race. That she is doning 'Black Face' as a means to get elected proves it. That she uses an image of the 'abused help" to do it is even more despicable. Her Irish slave-hoder ancestors would be scandalized that she is trying to appear 'black'.


When people call you a hypocrite, that is not "name-calling", that is fact. You think that by denigrating and disparaging others and then hiding behind the childish excuse of "I was just kidding" when they expose your stupidity and hypocrisy that somehow you are vindicated - how childish. Just realize this, when we call you an idiot, that is actually a compliment.
You should "take even greater delight in THAT", it is your greatest asset.

He has the brain of a 6-year-old child... and the 6-year-old was glad to get rid of it!

@273kelvin It's amazing to see such a widespread cult mind with so many differences, and none who know what Trump truly wants to accomplish.

Being called an 'idiot' - once a legitimate clinical term to designate a level of developmental arrest- does, in fact, fill me with great delight. I'm literate. It isn't possible for an idiot (developmental level between ages 1-3) to read and write. Imbeciles, developmentally arrested between ages 4-7 are capable of only marginal literacy, approximately 'kindergarten'. Now the next level of archaic labeling of developmental arrest is 'moron' and it applies to developmental ages 8-12. Now we're talking, whatever your name is... A moron can read fundamentally, can do rather simplified unskilled and trade level tasks to earn a living, A moron can pass a drivers' test and most important of all, BREED! Morons can also operate most kinds of machinery like television sets & telephones and find their ways to polling places.
Best of all!!! Morons are quite adept at posting asinine nonsense on the Internet!
So, I implore you to show some consideration by at least including me with your group instead of trying to classify me in a category for which I'm not qualified.

@Silver1wun So you are trying to weasel your way into the "moron" category. Just because you believe that a moron is capable of doing the things that you've mentioned doesn't mean that you will do them above that of an idiot. Your posts reflect that, your posts prove that, and your vote for Trump will solidify that fact. Your struggle and pursuit to advance your status or position to JUST being a moron is admirable. You should "take even greater delight in THAT".

@nogod4me I also delight in what limited imaginations 'read' into what one thinks or does. I'm not voting for Trump OR the Giggling Chameleon. IF I bother to vote, it will be for the only anti-war, anti-genocide, anti-Zionist. Jill Stein won't become the first female president this round and very unlikely EVER, precisely because of her genuineness. That we are self-governing or anything resembling democracy, save window dressing we call elections, is as mythical as Jesus and other gods.

@Silver1wun Oooooh, Jill, that broad who no one Ever hears from about Anything, except when it is "fund-raising " time, her "policies" are, 100%, "send me money."
Otherwise, 3 out or 4 years for a decade or more now, crickets.

@Silver1wun Nullifying your own vote, that's fine with us, keep doing that.

@nogod4me "Nullifying a vote" Gotta love it. There is an almost adorable innocence to that. It discloses the naive BELIEF (read faith) that we are a self-governing people and that we have more of a choice than authorizing whether the hyenas or the wolves get 'first choice' at dinner. Welcome to the 21st Century.

@Silver1wun You don't have to try to explain, vote for Jill. So, is she a wolf or a hyena?


"name calling and demonizing." Fuck off you hypocrite. Your previous post started off with "Que Mala" so go and take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut

Oh! Tienes conocimiento! Puedo communicar en Ruso y Hebreo tambien. I wipe my inferior, posterior with the likes of you. Be polite and I might respond alike.

@Silver1wun I am never polite to racist twats!

@273kelvin Oh, I think you can safely expend on that claim. 😉

@Silver1wun Okay here come the big crayons. You have repeatedly mentioned Harrises race and accused her of "blackface". Now I have listened to many of her speeches and she has often talked about being middle class, about her mom struggling to buy her home and about being a prosecutor. But not once have I heard her go on about being black. No the only time I have heard it referred to was by Trump (a known racist) and several times by you. So you do the maths.

@273kelvin Consider reading her book. In fact, as a general attitude, reading some books could improve not only what you selectively hear from others but how you interpret it. I do love all of these exchanges. The only other place I've experienced the like is in challenging Christian Fundamentalists. A myth is a myth is a myth. Dress it up as a god, a hobgobblin or a political ideology, the behavior of 'defenders of the faith' is identical. They are based on common functional principles. Truth triggers. Simple as that.

@Silver1wun Well you were not about to hold your hand up to it were you? Yet the truth remains that you are the only member on this site for which it is an issue.

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