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With the rise of big budget Christian movies like "God's Not Dead", how do you deal with family and friends that keep bringing them up, or claim they are great, and totally not propaganda?

MaddMax30 4 May 9

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These movies actually have a budget? That's news to me, considering the scripts seem to have been written by a monkey and the films themselves directed by a community college cinema and film student.

Yes, yes they do have a budget.

God's Not Dead
Had a $2 Million Bugdet. It earned $60 mil.

I can only Imagine (another high profile Christian movie that actually got theaters.
$7 Million budget, $81 mill in box office so far.

2 and 7 million may not seem like a lot, but it's plenty to make a film on... Numbers that aren't a college film either.

Side note, on the other end of the spectrum.
Man from Earth. Ultra low budget $200k. (Good plot/writing)

No idea on how much it made though.
Won plenty of awards.


"God's Not Dead" is one of the easiest Propaganda movies to debunk and to most people familiar with cinema the logo "Pureflix" (Pureshitz) on a film is one big red flag, (there be bollox here)
I suggest watching "Jesus Bro" instead,

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