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It seems many religious persons base their beliefs on this ...

snytiger6 9 Dec 7

Enjoy being online again!

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My biggest take away on religion is how it seeks to control your thoughts and behavior yet is so hypocritical.
Back in 2017 a movie called The Shack came out. A good friend of mine has never come out but at the same time is a believer in God. I am his favorite heathen. He had listened to the audio book and when the movie came out he wanted to see it and took me with him to see it. The cinema complex is just a couple of blocks from the apartment complex so many of the folks who live here also saw the movie.
I enjoyed the movie, it's a great version of all that Christian stuff. God is a black woman, Jesus is hot AF!, looks middle eastern and the Holy Spirit is an Asian woman. The actor who plays Jesus is an Israeli actor. Not a white one in the bunch and from some of the comments I heard throughout the following week the religious folk around here were outraged! Being the incorrigible being I am, as a couple of the silly white women were expressing their disapproval of the movie I cut in with, "but ya gotta admit Jesus is hot AF in this movie" and just kept walking. LOL


This is because there has to be 2 sides to every coin and every idea.


Note to self: don’t take advice from a Greek slave dumbass I never heard of before so had to google.

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