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BC Forests writes:
Morning Minus 4 in PG, rain most of this past week. Around 80% of the 18 inches of snow,if not piled into 10-foot high, city "Snow-removal-piles", "moved" from the street, to our yards! Proving the City, corporate municiplaity is "of the streets". Interprerterd "wisely" as prostitutes!

Read Cliff's, theoretical cogitations; possibly a combination of "proselytizeations", "debunking Einsiens-stollen, socillay manipulated mis-representations (which is a good thing).

Expanding on "his and his groups" deeper thoughts. So early this morning.....mind-bending. Using Chat-GPT; to assist in "validating" his cogitations?

OK...... "interesting offering." Not the best one can do, as the read was fascinating. Offering, alternate explanations to the "realty" that is apparently, unreal, and "simply" an "energectic consciousness".

"Created" and destroyed, in "this shared construct"; that we are "ALL SHARING".... to be able to "share ideas with ad to each other, while being "alive" within this shared Construct!?

Living and dying; at a flux rate, defined as; "f is the flux rate (22 trillion cycles per second), governing the crecreation of the Matterium." The Flux rate defining a "simultaneous" co-existance of "Life and death".... The absence of life, occuring, as Cliff, previously offered, defining it as the "space-interval" beteen the flu-rate-pulses. From what i have "gleaned". Except, our "physical-construct, in this materium, has "congealed" into a solid,felling, human, plant, animal, mineral, soil, energy-solidified, Frequency-measureable, vibrating, appearing to be solid, Body. Soft as it is. Feeling pain, experience, maladies... and more! Incredibe joys, in our lives, expereinces, shared by our Forest, with us! (And more!)

Cliff, has admirabley attempted to capture the "Alpha and Omega" in his derivatices, formulas.

Alpha being: "α: A proportionality constant related to the structure of the flux."

Omega being: "Ω: The degree of alignment with the ontological pulse, representing how harmoniously Life interacts with the flux."

The Alpha and Omega, coming from the "manipulated" Bible, words. Altered by a Previous identifiable gropy, while exhiled to the City of Babylon. (Everyone knows, al lthe "good" that came out of Babylon's linguistic-scattering". Intentionlay done by the "Elohim" Knonw as Many, small "G-gods!" Confirming Evill;s existance, in this construct. Not really addressed by Cliff.

The manis brilliantly, explaning.... and relativley common words, a possibility. working toward grasping this life, and shared world. Appreciate what he offers.... Retaining my strong skepticism, and learned, questioning "nature". For my whole life... that appers to be growing in curiosities! More questions than answers! AddingJason Brashears, offers, other perspectives. Similar, yet differing, built upon the only "sources" we appear to have been partially provided. By whom? Those "sources" being,very old books! So much reading, considerations, thinking, sorting thrugh being lied to forever, Centuries back. Destructins of the Library of ALexander, Babylons Libraries. More recetnyl "Stollen, possibly destroyed" by the US, "Desert Storm-saviours?" Nope....not saviours. "Pushers of the bioweapong injections, they "manufactured, in this "Construct to destory this consructs inhabitants! Evil everyhwere, surrounding us. On each Continent, observable, by anyone with eys to see, and ears to hear! A mind to think? Subjectively? Possibly for a few... others, "Meme's -away!"

Cliff, "using" and having his "Validation-discussions", suggesting "Chapt-GPT, the "special version; can be fully "trusted?" Opens many more larger questions. Including Cliff, offering, Chapt-GPT-was not to be trustd. In some of his recent offerings. IF Cliff is skeptical of CHat-GPT... why does it apepear he is using Chat_GPT, to validate his cogitations? That is "counter-intuitiuve'... and opposite to building trust! From some perspectives.

Sun is peeking out.... brilliant... blue skies? Wow... The Geongeinering-criminals, are giving a "Blue-sky-break"! Wondering for how long until the insantiies, contineu. Alwasy occuring elsewhere... were getting a short break. How benevolent, of "THEM"!

Dang-girl..... that was quite the read, first thing this morning. Enjoyable.... need to take a brain break, draw in the energies from the Sun. (maybe go for a short, slipery walk!) Read Cliff's stuff again.... He offers some ineresting perspectives, as did Tesla (Consider everything as' Energy, frequency and vibration!)

Enjoying life, as well as one can, is part of this life. Son and family, granddaughter, might be over later today..... We live in amazing times, a mix of really tough, intentionally created crap, by evil ones.... And amazing joy, experining our own lives, and seeing life through the eyes of our children. Injeceted now.....

Brinks tears of anger, and joy..... How true is the Bible? How real, is "A Creator". That part "life". Cliff, and many work toward udnerstanding... including simply enjoying life. Wondering, how come a few, have so many and larger questions> Inbetween enjoying the "Simplicity" of being alive!

Loving the good parts, struggling with the tougher parts. Removing of Evil? Why the heck is evil even a thing? Life is so incredible! Discovering; we have no need for any Evil; to enjoy good, grow, learn, Love! []

1patriot 8 Dec 9

Enjoy being online again!

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