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There's a fine group of atheists in Montreal called the Atheist Freethinkers. Check out their website and their live monthly events online.

QuidamOutrepont 8 Jan 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Thanks for posting, however, I have tried 2x to subscribe to their bulletins and it will not work, the fields remain Red even though filled out and no confirming email to click on, to finish the sign-up, appears in my email. Very disappointing.
EDITED. Tried again today, still Nothing, it again says I have been sent an email to complete sign-up and Zippo, Nada, Zilch.


Thanks for the link, seems like a good site. Though since I get a lot about USA problems through this site, I am not sure that I am ready for Canada's as well. LOL

Crybaby 🤠

Says the man who has Boris Johnson…..🙄

@Aaron70 Boris has left the building.


Might be worth looking into. I am very close to the BC border and have relatives in Vancouver.

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