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Not vaccinating your children is ill-advised. If only you could ask the mothers of the children that had Polio back during the polio epidemic in the 50s. It was every other mother's worst fear. And then there became hope because they had a vaccine. Ain't much polio now huh.

Maggiemay 6 May 9

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My friend wore his "vaccines cause adults" shirts to his daughter's first round of vaccinations

Remi Level 7 May 10, 2018



Looking at historical photos of all those poor people in Iron Lungs back then...OMG. How could you NOT want to vaccinate against the dread scourges and diseases?


I'm a nurse. I give vaccines almost daily. I'm required to get the hepatitis B series and have my antibodies checked yearly. Anti-vaccine is anti science. Vaccines work.


I was planning a trip to India about 12 years ago and went to a clinic to see what shots were required by the government. It listed about 15 different shots and prescriptions, none of them required to enter the country. Some of the shots were administered in stages. I took the first shot on the list and said screw this! I don't take aspirin, so why dump these chemicals into my bloodstream?


Polio is one infants 20+ vax before their 1st birthday and their immune systems are developed is quite another. False equivalency.
This smear campaign on parents of children who've suffered is brought to you by Big Pharma & dark moneyed "science".
Another thing to consider is what are the different components in what the current vax are vs yesteryear. It's all fine and good until it affects you and yours. This has nothing to do with Wakefield and jenny mccarthy either. It's simple deduction.
Go give your dog 100 rabies vaccinations and come back and tell the class how that went in 6 months.

eta: and before the lofty equestions with chaotic tits society decides to dogpile me I'm not deep diving this but just to point out that people need to check their propaganda at the door before parroting BS via a faulty comparison.

I agree you are simple. ?

@Sticks48 I have a dog who's suffered vaccinosis from too many VAX at once(by a vet who SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER TO SPACE THEM OUT) and my daughter had a reaction to the DTP vax as infant, simple indeed. Your "splaining" me duly noted.

Wrong. It's not over vaccination. The new shots contain less antigen load than the fewer but cruder old vaccines did. The young immune system is more than capable of handling the immunogens as given. I can give you the journal articles, NOT sponsored by big pharma explaining it.

I also vaccinate my pets EVERY YEAR for rabies because it's the law. Guess what? No ill effects, and NO RABIES (which is endemic here - outdoor pets ARE exposed). If a pet develops neuro signs, gets bitten, or bites someone and is not vaccinated, the health dept takes their head to test for rabies. That is not a risk I am willing to take. I can only speak for myself, though.

Are there concerns about some vaccine ingredients? Yes. Removal of adjuvants means it takes more antigen per shot and/or more shots to get the same clinical efficacy. It's a tough game to win. Beats the diseases though, IMO.

You are welcome to yours, of course.

I don't parrot, man. Before I SPEAK, I know WTF I'm speaking about.

@Maggiemay LOL Lofty equestrian 😀 😀 😀 Look up Dr. Ronald Schultz, top veterinary immunologist, maybe in the world and tell us there are no parallels, then get back on that 100 hand horse and ride it hard and fast over a cliff.

@Qualia u take your kids to a veterinarian?


i agree with you


But they saw something on facebook about it giving kids superpowers or some shit.

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