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He’s shaping up be the best president in my lifetime and he’s a damn sight better than that idiot Obama.


Wow, did this post ever receive some serious hate...
The funny thing is, this newspaper tends to lean to the left, look it up- []

I bet those who are complaining didn't even bother to read the article. Also, the article is about five months old, not that it matters much.

It just goes to show what maturity level we are dealing with when it comes to the left.


This post belongs in the politics section.

And that article was crap.


Sorry can’t think of any. Well, maybe just one. He has energized and galvanized we on the left like no one else could have done. I am more politically active than in any other time of my life.


Trump is that incompetent that even the threat that he's going to "help" is enough to get countries sorting out problems before trump gets involved


Taught the apathetics that voting is important. Democracy: use it or lose it.


Given the progressives a wake up call.

this is how I view it also. this was the horrid result necessary to get past the apathy.

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