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It’s possible a higher intelligence could exist beyond on our own. There’s so much we don’t know. I’d actually like to see someone try to prove these ideas with scientific method, I think that would be commendable. But it’s lazy and dangerous how religions make things up without real evidence...and then force others to believe in it. Their proof seems to be: the more people that play make believe, the more real it is. Mass delusion...smh

Aquarius 4 May 10

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One thing that we should consider when discussing advanced intelligences is the time scale. Imagine a sentient being whose thoughts and movements operate on a time scale a million times slower than a human's. Would we be able to recognize the being as intelligent? Would we recognize it as alive? Imagine an intelligent being who's thoughts and movements operate millions of times faster than ours. Would that being be able to tell the difference between a human and a lump of rock?


Your lead-in phrase "higher intelligence" suggests, possibly unintentionally, something other than a more advanced intelligence. That is, intelligent alien civilizations that are much, much older than Humanity on Earth. I believe it's impossible for there to NOT be advanced alien civilizations elsewhere in the Universe. The probability of the existence of other life-supporting planets is just too great.


Before we speculate if something is or is not, let's clarify what's being asked. When you say "higher intelligence", what do you mean? Specifically, is higher intelligence just intelligence but more of it? When people say "higher intelligence" do they mean intelligence on a whole new level. You see, I think when people use that term they think they're being specific and not at all religious or superstitious but I find the term as vague and nebulous as "god" or "evil".


There’s ample evidence that porpoises, dolphins and whales in general have higher intelligence.


I'll pass. This is already being attempted. It's called Ancient Aliens, ugh...?

I tried watching that show for like 5 minutes and couldn’t take it...interesting idea, poorly executed and that guy with the crazy hair...?☺️

When you set out to try to prove something that you already want to believe, you are obviously only going to use evidence that corroborates your idea.

Who would make a tv show that detailed the countless hours of NOT finding anything that fit within their theory?

The fact that people watch shows like this or buy into these types of ideas is ludicrous... And sad.


How could we, at our level of understanding prove or disprove the existence of higher intelligence? The question seems rhetorical.


The Drake Equation



Proto Level 6 May 10, 2018

Yes, this is the Bandwagon Fallacy, or proof by numbers.


Of course it is possible, almost anything is theoretically possible, but is it reasonable. One thing I learned on my many tours of jury duty was reasonable doubt. There can always be doubt, I mean space aliens or Satan could have come to Earth and put fake fossils in the ground, but is that reasonable? No.


We have no proof of higher intelligence yet - however its naive to think we are the only life in the Universe - some planets must have life more advanced than ours.

gater Level 7 May 10, 2018
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