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It can be quite liberating minimizing.

BeeHappy 9 May 10

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Absolutely! Doing a major de-clutter at the moment. I'm really fed up with trying to find places to put things. I've put all of our CDs into mp3 files, most of our photos are already digital. I need to work on the dvd's next, I'll never buy a physical movie again. Then there's the paperwork to pdf. Next is clothes, get rid of those old t-shirts.

Wow, you are doing a major de-cluttering!!


I have drastically downsized and love it! Last year I lost so many 'important' things. I was living in my car and was in a wreck. They let me keep some clothes, but everything else was impounded and auctioned off. I look back and miss quite a few of those things, but also ask myself when I last used them?


I do find interesting that I may have something collecting dust for a long period of time and as soon as I decide that I won't need it ever again and toss it away then almost after it's gone then the need for it pops out of nowhere !!!!!.... As if life knows and loves to mess with us !!!

I know! That's one of the frustrating things about it. It's happened to me more than a few times.


I can, and soon am, loading everything I own into a station wagon to move.
Every town has thrift stores, furniture is cheap, and being single I don't need much at all.
More important to me to be able to mobile and have a good time than acquire things I just don't need.
Others are in to it ? Have on.
Do you.

In the early 80's I did the same all my belongings and a 12 yr old daughter into a station wagon and moved from Michigan to Texas.

It'll be tight, got a drum set, but I came from Florida to here the same way a year ago. This time it's just a four hour drive. Pulled the top heads and packed almost all my clothes inside the drums.


Losing my home due to divorce left me in the attic attempting to determine which priceless items to keep. When finished, as traumatic a thing as I’ve ever had to do.. I burned a 2 foot stack of American Atheist magazines, for example… What ‘she’ wanted she hauled away in our truck, one load.. “You can have everything else,” which included our daughters! She, off to a new life ...while I spent 6 or 7 years finishing ‘our first’..

So not only, what to keep from a century farm.. but what to haul 3,000 miles across the nation..? Penske's largest is all I got, and I had it packed. But now caring for one acre instead of many, I’ve often wished I’d ‘kept’ this or that item. And though I feel in league with the ‘tiny house’ movement, I’m pleased about what I’ve got, with ample room for stuff 🙂

Varn Level 8 May 10, 2018

What a heart wrenching think to have to go through. Does it look/feel better now that you are on the other side of it?

@BeeHappy Slowly, it’s like I’ve created a void, and new things are filling it.. What’s hard, is being reminded of all I’d known and had, the smallest things can trigger serious sorrow. It’s also been hard ‘decorating,’ most of my walls remain bare, not due to a lack of stuff to hang, but waiting until I can (if ever) be reminded of from where it came... Still feels like a journey, and if I knew to where ..I might not be curious enough to make the effort to arrive 🙂


...and less stress.


'Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.' Working on getting free. I have enough clothing to last the duration. Got a 5x8 storage unit mostly filled with stuff I likely won't use again, and need to drastically reduce. Got a few books and some artwork I'd like to retain for awhile and, of course my car, my mountainbike, and my dogs. Other than that, I don't need much more than a roof over my head and a place to sleep.


I like minimalism.

Me too! Not easy to achieve tho.


Did that a few years ago. Some stuff went to my daughter if she wanted it. The remainder went to the Habitat for Humanity store. I have enough stuff for me to be comfortable and keep the house running and in shape. Live Simply, Live Well!



Never have anything that you can't take with you with 30 minutes notice..

I think DeNiro said that in the movie Heat.

I think there is a happy medium that nobody has quite mastered. ?


Working on it.

It seems many of us are. ?

@BeeHappy So I see. I'm also working on simplifying.

@bingst There is a difference between clutter and items of sentimental must not be draconian with sentiment.. it's a noble human trait.

@Hitchens, excellent observation. Thank you for reminding me. I sometimes get to thinking my sentimental attachments are just maudlin.

@Condor5 No..they are the stuff of life. ?

P.s unless that is, one is a hoarder...thats different ..there is help available for that. ???


I just thought it meant more space for new stuff...huh.

Ahhh... No! Lol


I put a bunch of stuff in a storage unit. I do not miss it!!!! Gotta get rid of it...

No longer have a storage unit but a closet off my patio. I'm not even sure what is in there! Why do we hang on to crap? Nostalgia, sentimentality, practicality?

@BeeHappy "I might need this." lol

@ki-bee Mostly books and my dad's hand tools from last back. And a real nice wing back chair that a friend sent me when I got divorced. I'll never understand why women want to 'fix up' a man's new apartment. I wrapped the chair in plastic. Just doesn't fit my life!

@ki-bee It's in TX. Pick it up next time you're through town.

@ki-bee ?


I have believed this ever since my divorce 35 years ago !

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