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Transsexuals cannot win.

Transsexuals are more likely to suffer depression - not from being trans but from being pushed into poverty.

Being sacked from a job after transitioning and/or being bullied and harrassed is something many transsexuals experience.

The anti-trans narrative uses this depression suffered by transsexuals, who've transitioned, as evidence that transition doesn't work, whilst ignoring the issues of unemployment, stigmatisation and discrimination.

To follow the anti-trans lobby's own logic - anyone who is not trans would never be depressed.


Ellatynemouth 8 May 11

Enjoy being online again!

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It's a tough world, I guess all I can do as Cis is be supportive and fair. It's a dangerous world for many, from self and others. I did call up a local radio station and put forward support for gender neutral loos the other day!


It's fairly obvious that people are getting away with abusing people on the basis that they are trans, and that this problem has not been fixed. This is actually a very old problem.

Where are the referees? Who is keeping an accurate account of these occurrences? Why are people making political theater over a serious issue?


Discrimination, prejudice, and bigotry causes more harm and doesn't protect or improve anyones life. It harms individuals and it harms society as a whole.

Betty Level 8 May 11, 2018

In that case, I’d hate to see my situation if I was transgender.



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